Dr. Pendl & Dr. Piswanger Int. Dr. Pendl & Dr. Piswanger International Management Consulting Co.

Dr. Pendl & Dr. Piswanger Int. Dr. Pendl & Dr. Piswanger International Management Consulting Co.

HR Consulting

Establishment, improvement and operation of human resources related systems - search, selection, benchmarking, performance appraisal, competence improvement, training, talent management - even from scratch. The setup and operation of HR functions of key importance by our experienced consultants, where these systems have not been implemented yet, is also possible on project basis.

For the profitability and smoother operation of our clients' businesses, we provide and manage knowledge through HR consultancy, utilizing our experience gained in international environment and in different economic sectors.

Our additional service for you:


Advantages for the employer:

  • Assistance in initiating the process of redundancy
  • Additional HR capacity, your own HR staff is not involved
  • Minimizes redundancy-related risks
  • Improves your image: the company assumes social responsibility and gains attractiveness

Advantages for the redundant employee:

  • Assistance in dealing with the psychological consequences of the redundancy
  • Assistance in finding new career opportunities
  • Personal development, creating a career plan
  • Transfer of labor market know-how

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+36 20 487 9800